Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter soon :D

Hello world! You probably haven't heard from me in a while, mainly because I have been so busy procrastinating with things. On the brighter side however, I've learned to cook rice really well, and it doesn't go lumpy, soggy or sticky :D
Also I've finished with my Japanese course, which was, to put it simply, EFFing amazing.. and also very inspiring. I even bought a Japanese lunchbox thing and some chopsticks and now I'm gonna learn some Japanese; which reminds me, Emma make sure you don't forget to remind me to learn some swedish or I will forget :D
Ok, that has pretty much been my week so now I am gonna answer some questions and move onto our theme.. We are just trialing this..
I asked myself, what am I doing over the holidays? Nothing much, chill, celebrate Easter (It confuses me why our country, and america, have adopted thier countries religion's festivals as a national thing that everyone does, religious or not, but still, presents for christmas and chocolate for Easter, what's there not to like?) I also have tons of homework to do :-(
Do I eat anything special over Easter? I can't think of special food.. Chocolate.. and thats really it. Oh, this Easter I am eating lots of chinese/ oriental food that I'm learning to cook, because it is fairly healthy and tasty.. the only tasty & healthy thing I have ever come across. I think that answers what the questions asking, but I'm not sure.. Let me know :D
Wow.. Chris' question was very long.. but probably better than any questions I could come up with right now xD
I have never celebrated Easter in another country so I will answer the second part of the question: Is easter a big deal in my family? hmm.. Not massive but fairly normal.. we used to have massive Easter egg hunts and hide all the eggs, but this year.. none of us re that young any more xD.
When I get older, will I continue with family traditions? I don't know.. Maybe, depends..
My quesiton (S)
1) Do we think we should keep the themes? (I vote no, and btw, who is theming next week.. I presume it's Emma?)
2) I need your advice.. I wanted to move abroad when I am older, but I am now thinking of becoming a barrister, however, I know (or think) that there is no other legal system (The English one) I'd rather be one in, and if I decided on another one I would probably hae to learn another language.. I might be able to do it very well, but I have, when I try at least, a natural instict with the English language, that I have developed over my entire lifetime, that I don't think I would ever be able to develope in another language, at least not quick enough to go to uni in that country and get the qualifications to become a barrister there. So what should I do?
3) What job do you want to do when your older and why?
I know that's a lot of questioning. but sorry.. and I know it doesn;t really fit the theme either.. sorry..

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I should be revising but I'm not...

I've been so incredibly exhausted the past few days that I just can't be bothered to do any revising tonight. I think I did ok on my quiz today and I don't have anything major to do for tomorrow. I also finally got one interview set up. It's going to be this saturday on campus for a university summer camp program. They offer camps all summer long for primary and secondary school students, and I'm being considered for a instructor position. This currently is the closest thing to my degree, and I'm not complaining since at least I will get some teaching experience, sadly the wage is nothing to exceptional but right now it's better then nothing.

On the one hand I can't wait for this semester to be over, but on the other I can't believe it's less then two weeks till final exams! Which means I'm going to be in major stress mode for the next 3 weeks! Hopefully it all pays off though and I also manage to get a summer job.

Due to my lack of adventure and exciting news I shall move onto questions:

My own: I'm not really sure that I have a preference, but if I were to choose, I would have to go with fiction, just because it's a good way to get away from the world and enjoy ones self.

Sam/Emma: We don't really get a break for easter in Uni, we used to up until the end of secondary school, but because the semester ends at the end of April it would be silly to place a break right at the end of the semester. We usually get a break in mid February. Anyway we still get good Friday off but thats about it. My parents and I might go to church on Easter Sunday but thats about it. Traditionally we get our food blessed and have a big brunch. I especially love the sweet bread we always have during easter.

New Question: Have you ever celebrated easter somewhere else, like a different country or something? If not, is easter a big deal in your family, and do you think when you get older you will continue your family traditions?

Monday, April 6, 2009

Because tonight will be the night…

So apparently we decided to start with themes on the blog and I got confused and still probably am. But I asked Chris about it and after that we’re doing themes for the questions. This week’s theme, chosen by Sam, is Easter and I’ll get to his question soon.

Right now it feels like I’m gonna be crazy busy for the next 8-9 weeks due to my double economy classes so we’ll see how tired and worn out I’m gonna be. But I intend to keep writing my blogs anyway. The last couple of days I’ve done a lot of quizzes on facebook and the title on this post comes from the lyric of my “theme song” Fall for you by Secondhand Serenade.

Since it’s late and I’m tired and have to get up for class in the morning I’ll move on to the questions now.

To answer my own question about savings I just started a savings account and I put away about 600 SEK, 50 GBP, 90 CAD a month. I also have a savings account started by my dad and some money invested in shares.

Chris wanted to know if I prefer to read fiction or non-fiction. Well, to be honest I haven’t had the time to read one single book since I started college last fall. But when I do read, and I love reading, I prefer fiction.

Sam asked if we get a break over Easter and I think I have two or three days without lectures but I’ll still have schoolwork to do because technically we don’t get an Easter break.

My question related to Easter is “Do you eat any special food around Easter?”