Friday, February 27, 2009

Just a quick word.. A quick couple of words..

:D Sorry for anyone who has been following my tweets, that I haven't tweeted throughout the most of this week :D (Although you probably all liked the quiteness on twitter :D). I haven't really been on my computer at all because it keeps turning off at random, actually I need to sort that out, but for now, this is my priority. Anyway considering it was less that four days, I had something like 65 new emails! But anyway, this blog will have to be quick, because otherwise m computer will just turn off by itself .
Ok, so bearing in mind I had to quickly scam through to recheck for questions coz I;m kind of doing this in a hurry, I don't think chris asked a question.
Moving quickly on, Emma asked what song would I listen to for the rest of my life, there are a lot of options, most of the soings from yelle and flight of the concords, but right now it would have to be wende snijders with laat me/ vivre, and from my knowledge of dutch and french that translates as 'leave me' and ' to live'. Anyhow, I'm presuming that most of you haven't heard that song, or at least that version, so go listen.
Another point, I know that I haven't been checking twitter so I have no idea why there was no post on Wednesday, but I really missed it. And also, I liked the room thing :D
Two more things, my own question, when was I most annoyed. hmm.. I am not that sure, I'm not really the kind of person that get's seriously irritated too easily, and there aren't any things that you can say to me and it would always get me annoyed, if you know what I mean, the people who take it really seriously if someone says 'ya mom' or something. (But should anyone ever say that, I strongly beleive they should be shot. several times. In places that aren't nice to be shot in.) Anyhow, There was this one boy, and he was a bit o a twa.. irritating person, and he said to me something that I don't think I want to repeat (about my Dad.. for those who don't know he's dead) and that was the one time I was seriously contemplating murder.. BTW, I hope that you don;t actually think I was planning murder.. ANYWAY! There was this other time, when this kid two years below me got all his friends to say I was bullying him, although we didn't get on, I wasn't bloody bullying him! And that was quite annoying.
So now onto my question, which I haven't planned..

Ok, I am doing this law thing and that's on my mind at the minute, so I think I will ask something about that..
What are your experiences with the law, not just talking about yourself, but other things that you have seen and stuff.. OK, BYE!!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What do you mean it's already Tuesday?!?!?

The second half of my reading week (time off from school) flew by just as quickly as the first. I managed to get caught up and get all of my homework done in a timely fashion which was a nice change from the usual chaotic last minute scrambling that I'm accostumed too. I went to a house party on Saturday night, and had slightly to much to drink LOL. Then Sunday I went to see the local Civic Symphony before watching the Oscars. I sadly don't know enough about pop culture to really make any significant remarks about the event. All I can say is that it was entertaining and Hugh Jackman did a fantastic job at hosting! I also need to see the majority of those movies still!

The next two weeks are going to be slightly crazy simply due to the amount of academic things I need to do. Here's a quick run down of the next week and a half:
Tonight - Study for my E&M midterm on Friday, start E&M assignment
Wednesday - Finish my prelab report and study more for my E&M
Thursday - Contintue studying for E&M, go see Hamlet at the University Theatre
Friday - Write my E&M Midterm, do as much as possible on my lab report
Saturday - attempt to finish my labreport, start my calculus assignment
Sunday - finish calculus assignment, study astrophysics, modern physics, and calculus
Monday - study study study,
astrophysics, modern physics, and calculus, finish E&M assignment
Tuesday -
study study study, astrophysics, modern physics, write calculus quiz, and write this blog of course :P
Wednesday - Write astrophysics and modern physics midterm, start prelab
Thursday - die a little inside and DO NOTHING!, and possibly do an astrophysics assignment if it's assigned

Basically I'm just not planning on sleeping or seeing the light of day, as well I'm going to need to stalk up on red bull LOL. I'm gonna have to start going to only essential classes for the next week just so I can finish everything in time. So with shortness of time in mind, on to questions....

Tuesday - marriage: Yes, I think I would like to get married. I still can't decide if I want a big fancy wedding or something small. I suppose it depends largely on who I'm marrying. I'm content with either, in fact I might almost rather the smaller wedding just so we can spend more time and money travelling somewhere on the honeymoon! Agewise, preferably before I'm 30, but I'm in no real rush.

Thursday - Picture: See below...

Friday - Annoyances: I don't know that there was ever one particular instance that stands out for being annoyed. I can recall a few individuals that greatly annoyed me at the time, but unless forced to, I don't associate with them anymore. So I suppose I'll just tell you what annoys me most, and that would be stupid people. Now, I'm not attacking anyones intellect as thats a whole different matter, but rather people just doing stupid things. Such as incompetent people that can't drive, and/or drive excessively below the speed limit for NO REASON!!!

The question to my answer was as Emma predicted an eagle! :D It's one of the polish national symbols!

I'm going to also guess that Becca is refering to some sort of a container, possibly a mailbox.

And now for the pictures... (sorry for the quality I couldn't be bothered to use my nice camera, webcam ftw)

Monday, February 23, 2009

Achy Breaky Monday

Since last week nothing much has happened actually. I was drowning in schoolwork and had 50 pages of court cases that I had to read and a couple of chapters in the books. Then when I was at the seminar the professor pretty much called the whole class stupid. She said that she would have to re do the tasks for the rest of the course to make them easier because we obviously had problem reading court cases and solving the questions. Do I have to say that the mood dropped considerably among the students? And it has to be added that we had answered the questions but she was expecting us do a lot more then that apparently.

The rest of the time was spent playing my new game CSI Hard evidence and going to a couple of gym classes. And if you hadn’t already guessed, my gym classes are the reason for this week’s headline. My legs are so sore but thankfully it’s getting a little better.

But let’s continue with the questions instead of dwelling.

1.My question was about starting to exercise going to gym classes as both Chris and Becca guessed.

2. For Chris’s answer I’m gonna guess it’s some kind of bird. Maybe an eagle?

3. When it comes to Beccas answer I’m gonna guess it’s either an envelope or a box.

My question from last week about favorite show is really difficult because I love a lot of shows. But top three has to be Grey’s Anatomy, Criminal minds and CSI x3. (I know the last one is cheating a bit :P) But hey, it’s my question.

Chris wanted to know if we want to get married and I would like that in the future mainly because what it symbols I guess. If we’re talking at age I can’t give an exact answer but maybe before 35 at least.

On Thursday Becca challenged us to show you a picture of our bedroom. Since my bedroom is too big for one picture I’ll give you two. Ain’t you the lucky ones?

Sam wanted to know what the most annoyed we ever has been was. Since I get annoyed rather easily I have no idea what the most annoyed I’ve been was. But I guess my mum and little sister manage to annoy me pretty much every day so that’ll have to me my answer.

I almost forgot my question for the week, “If you have to choose one song to listen to for the rest of your life, which one would it be?”