Friday, February 20, 2009

Guess who's back, back again!

Well, techinically I haven't missed any blogs, but for those of you who follow my twitter and stuff will know I have been to berlin! I have litterally just got home and although origionally I made a twitter and blog especially for my trip, but I didn't have internet when I got there, so that was kind of pointless. As you might be able to guess, I need some form of outlet to tell you all about it, so here goes:

Well, I am back now and although glad to be back, I am already missing Berlin and I am also a bit pissed off, because whilst I was gone, my Mum moved my entire room, meaning she also went through all my stuff and threw out all my fucking private things aswell. Sorry for the swearing. I think I'll go through it day by day, the first day, I MISSED THE FLIGHT.. Let's not go into that, because I will get very annoyed, but in my defence it wasn't my falut.. Then on the second day, I left again and because of what happened the previous day they gave me a priority ticket :D . Then, I arrived in Berlin, and I was amazed at how quick I got my bags back, but being in Germany, I was shocked that I was shocked if you know what I mean. I met with my sister who was going to see and Amalia, the girl she opairs. We then got on the train, which was really great because we got to see the city, and all the houses are coulorful and amazing and stuff. Then after that we went out and had a little look at this amzing cinema place, where there are loads of restaurants and this massive cone at the top, which because of the snow, it was white. And this reminds me, I can actually complain about the weather without having to defend myself. Although, they all just got on and went to work, and to be entirely and honest the weather was snowey but nowhere near as slippy as it was in England. Anyway, I watched a film and then we went home. Then on he second day, we did all the touristy things, brandemburg gate, the riechstag, the jewish memorial, die berlinner mauer (The berlin wall), the story of berlin .. I think that is what they were called, then in the evening, anya bought us a curry. Then the next day, we did shopping and ampleman shops and stuff, Then todsay we went home.. My enthuisiasm for writing is waring off, I think I need to realise how tired I actually am.

Ok, so I'll try and answer the questions:

1. I was talking about.. My favourite socks of course!!!

2. 'Before January, I hadn’t done this for almost two years, but I thought it was time to start again.' = hmm.. Perhaps Emma was aking, 'if you slept all 2007 december, when did you start your last december'

3. 'It's on everything polish, it's white, and it flys.' hmm, I think Poland is snowey, so I'm gonna say snow..

4. 'its red and shiny and when opened things fall out and it doubles as something else' I have absolutley no Idea, apart from the obvisous that you promiced us it wasn't I have no idea.. so I will have to guess that it is a red shiney bra, being used as a sling.

ok, so now onto the other questions, Emma you said: what is my favourite show on tv, well I have lots: top gear, southpark, family guy, mythbusters, Hustle, real hustle.. those are the main ones, I can't really chose just one.

marrage: I don't know, if I meet someone I love and we are fine without marrige then fine, if we want to commit then that's fine, I don't mind what age, I'm not gonna go and get married just becuase I have a deadline, I will do whatever I need to. (p.s I think until we find the wednesday, then that would be a cool Idea, but I'm not hoping to not have wednesday for that long, but perhaps something for the weekends perhaps??)

Ok, my bedroom.. I am liking the challenge!! btw, my room has just been moved, before I found out about this..

oh and btw, my question: what is the most annoyed you have ever been?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Hello, My name is Becca.

So as Sam stated, I wasn't allowed to say my name in the blog.. however, I cheated and put it in the title. HAHA! gotcha :).

Anyway, this week has been slow.. my birthday was on monday... umm didn't have school that day... ANd i went to all my classes so far this week. :) and am planning on going to them tomorrow as well. I have another doctor's appointment for my back tomorrow.. I'M DEMANDING PAIN MEDS. because he just isn't fixing it the way he should. Umm I'm leaving for Los Angeles in about 15 days.. I'm STOKED! .. stoked beyond belief.. you dont even know.. Nothing else really... a whole lot of nothing has been going on lately.

On to the questions!
I can't even guess what Sam's object is....... idk.
I think Emma's is exercising.
And Chris's... i was gonna say sheep.. but they dont fly. Uh.. uhhh.. uh.. idfk. You tell me what it is :)

And here's mine: its red and shiny and when opened things fall out. (thats not dirty. i promise) (it also doubles as something else that i should have mentioned in the beginning :) )

Emmaaaa You asked what my favorite show is... CLEARLY if you follow my tweets, you KNOW by now that it is Grey's Anatomy..... duh. :)

And christopher... you askedif i wanna get hitched.. and when. Well OBVIOUSLY i want to get hitched sometime... and hopefully its by the age of 26.. Thats only 6 years away.. holy crap.. I better get to findin a man. lol.

And to answer my question from last week... i would change my name to Kyrie. Its always been my favoritest name.. and someday i will probably name a daughter that :)

And NOW my question for this week... RATHER a challenge. I challenge each of you to take a picture of your bedroom.. and do NOT clean it just for the picture.. it has to be taken while you are writing your blog next week :)

See ya'll next thursday :)

<333 becca.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Time flys...

Well just like Emma mentioned, time seems to be flying by incredibly fast. I failed miserably at posting on Tuesday, so I'm going to cheat and back date this, also I have the advantage that we don't have a Wednesday at the moment, (we need to find someone soon!) I can't believe it's already Wednesday, mostly becuase I don't even have school this week, yet I've been busy everyday. I've either been working or doing school work, yesterday and today have been the only days that I haven't been doing homework, and I still have a mountain of stuff to do. I think tomorrow and Friday I will just be a hermit, (save for going to the gym,) and just study my ass off for everything!

So I just started reading a new book called "physics of the impossible" by Michiu Kaku (co-founder of string theory), so far it's really interesting, it basically explores our current knowledge of physics and anaylzes what he thinks is potentially possible in the next hundred-thousand years. For example, time travel, teleportation, force fields, phasers, etc. I also love that their is a Tardis on the cover (ps Sam you of all people better know what I mean by that.)

I also recieved Emma and Michael's Valentine's day cards! I haven't opened them yet, I hope to do that tomorrow in a video, I'm still waiting for Becca's card though.

On to questions:

Tuesday, Summer Plans: I honestly have no idea what I'm going to be doing over the summer, more specifically where I will be working. I really, really, really want to work at the university this summer and work in the research labs. I got an offer to work at the Astronomy observatory, but I'm not sure if I'll take it, becuase it means 2hrs of driving everyday and the pay is sucks, and wouldn't be enough to get me through the next year.

Thursday, Name: Alexander, I've always really liked that name, that or Peter, particularly the polish version of Peter, (Piotrik).

Friday, Answer:
-Sam I have no idea, my only guess, and a very random guess is, "what is" bound money, like stacks of bills?
-Emma, I'm gonna guess either what is yoga, or some sort of sport/going to the gym? or.... what is writing a blog?

-My answer: It's on everything polish, it's white, and it flys.

Monday, TV: Currently, it would probably have to be HUSTLE! That show is truely fantastic!

Tuesday, new question: Do you want to get married, and why or why not? Also, at roughly what age do you think/want to get married by?

Ps, I think until we find someone for Wednesdays (and even after that) we should collectively post something, or like rotate through everyone. I'm thinking posting our favorite pic, YouTube video, website, book, movie, etc on that day, and just like having a little blurb about it. Something quick and short. Thoughts?

Monday, February 16, 2009

Here we go again!

My god, time just flies by, another week has past and it’s Monday again. I guess I should write a little about what’s been going on since last week. Since I’m in school it’s been mostly schoolwork and such things but it has also been Valentine’s Day and last week I got a card from Chris. It was really cute and I especially loved the heart that I got.

Another thing I got last week was Meghan Tonjes CD that I ordered a couple of weeks ago and it’s been playing on my computer nonstop ever since I got it, it’s really good and you should check her out on You Tube if you haven’t already.

One last thing before moving on to the questions. My younger sister got a new wardrobe as an early birthday gift, she’s turning 18 in June so really early :P, from our older sister this weekend. So yesterday I and my big sisters ex spent six hours putting it together while my little sister just sat on the side watching, fun times.

On to the questions.

My favorite fruit is either wild strawberries, strawberries, blueberries or apples. If I have to choose one it would probably be apples just because I eat most of those.

Chris wanted to know what our plans for the summer was if we had any. Well, my older sister is having a baby in the beginning of June so that’ll probably take up a lot of time. Then I’ll be going on a cruise to Riga (Latvia) and Visby between the 17th and 20th of July. I turn 20 on August 10th and because we have a lot of birthdays during the summer we’ll be having one big birthday party in the beginning of august. Other than that I’ll have to find either a job for the summer or take a summer course at my school so that I get some money during the summer. That’s all for now I think.

Last Thursday Becca who has rejoined us wanted to know what our name would be if we could change it to anything we wanted. I’d probably change my name to Wilma or Savannah maybe.

Sam wanted us to write the answer to any question we wanted so the rest of the bloggers could guess the question and then we were also supposed to guess what the question the persons before us had answered was.
Well I’ve been trying to figure out what Sam’s question could be all weekend but I have NO idea, so I hope someone else get it.
My answer is: Before January I hadn’t done this for almost two years, but I thought it was time to start again.

Now to my question for the week, “What is your favorite show on tv?”