Friday, January 23, 2009

In Memoriam

This post goes out to all the unneeded victims of the Dendermonde Baby-killings.

My condolences to the three dead people, two being children under the age of 2 and one woman of 54, as well as to the 12 babies and 1 coworker who have all been brutally stabbed and hurt by the crazy 20year old killer. My condolences go to the friends and families of the victims as well, and also to all the people who have lost a child before.

It is Friday, and since Sam begged for a replacement I said I'd switch with him so he could go on a pleasurecruise with his male friends without having to worry about posting this blog. Thank goth for twitter and me being so nice to help him out. What would he do without me :)

Today has been a sad day here, you will propably have heard about the killings in the day care center, and if you haven't, check the news. Even Perez has posted his condolences. It is a sad day in the western civilized world, but I would like to take the opportunity to not only stand still to what has happened here in Belgium, but also to what happens everyday in the world. Because murder and dying children are not something odd, but are a common thing in the third-world countries, and I think we should remember that more. We tend to forget about it, since we live in a safe and civilized place, or so we like to think. Sadly not everyone in these so-called civilized countries are as normal as should be. Anyway, let's just conclude that it's a sad day, and let's hope things like this don't happen again. Children are defenceless and having them as a target is cowardly and sick. Enough said.
Last week I did not ask a question but neither did Becca, but hey let's all mention that I didn't ask a question :p
My question for this week is: "Do you want children, and if so, do you already have a name picked out?"
My answer is: "Yes, I would love to have children, preferably a son, and I would call him Dante"

Last week Sam asked (yes I know all your names :) I'm not the only person who just used days instead of names btw) what the main event is that changed my life. I think for me it was the moment that me and my ex Bart split up, and I decided to not return 'home' but live alone and take the time to put everything together and get my life back on track. The two years following the breakup have been rough, not because of the breakup but because of the pressure that I set on myself. The ways that I wanted to explore, the lessons that I wanted to learn. It's been a journey to selfknowledge that I am still taking, but have had a hard time taking during those first two years of living alone.

On monday our beloved Becca wondered what our favourite book is, and I love reading but therefor my favourite book tends to change constantly :) I think at this time i'm going to say 'looking for alaska', because it's been a book that really grabbed my attention and made me both excited and sad while reading.

Tuesday then, mister Canada Chris. He wondered about Obama. And I love the fact that Obama is a president, but I also want to be realistic and I know he will not fulfill half of the things people expect him to do. We mustn't forget that there is lots that needs to be done, and people tend to see him as someone who is going to fix everything bad. He will not, it is impossible since things sometimes need time. I think people expect too much from him at this point, and even though I'm sure he will bring some change, I don't think he will be able to live up to the expectations only because the media and people have put the level of expectations way too high in an unrealistic way. He will do good and will bring positive things to the US, but let's just wait and see and take one step at a time :)

On wednesday our lovely Emma who has been lacking sleep this week due to essaytroubles asked about plastic surgery and what we would do if we could get plastic surgery for free and painless. Well, I think I would change my nose a bit, I think it's a bit too pointy, and I'd like to get a perfect skin :) Also I'd like to be a bit bigger and have black hair. lol. Okay, maybe I go over the top here but hey, it's a fun question nothing serious :) I love my life and the person I am :)

On thursday, normally my day but as said before I gave Sam my day this week after he begged and begged on twitter, Sam asked what our greatest achievement is, and I'd like to think that my confidence is my greatest achievement. When I was a kid I really had a lack of selfconfidence and my confidence has grown enormously the past three-four years. As well as my self respect. So yeah, let's answer 'personal growth', because I'm proud of the person I have become after lots of tough years.

I'd love to show you a picture of my socks but sadly I'm not wearing socks since I'm in bed already, so I'm just randomly going to present you a sock of the day!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Late, and too many byes...


Ok, so this isn't Michiel, for some strange reason I can't be bothered to explain. But the fact is you have me today, Sam. So for my fans, which I know there are many, you are in luck. And for Michiel's fans, of which there might be a few.. Ok, maybe millions, but anyhow he's still alive. Ok, so I can't be bothered to talk about much more because I am tired and recovering from a murderous headache. And what else.. I went to london with a few mates and an art teacher, we had fun. I think I will put in some pictures I took. Namley of a dirty old woman who was reading porn on the train, so I was 'taking pictures of my friends doing silly faces' which just happened to show my camera what she was reading. But this is not a porn blog, sos I will not show all the pictures, only the mild ones:^^^^

If you zoom in on the first one it is a naked man, and her face on the one above is legendary!
Ok, so questions:
Ok, so my question was one thing that changed my life.
And that would have to have been something that happened before my life began, when my Dad died. It affects me quite often, but it's late and it's not something I shut off, or even like to shut of conversation about, it is that it is upseting. I talk about him as often as possible.
ok, Becca- what is my favouroute book. It has to be Derren Brown's book, Tricks of the mind. It is just brilliant, he is a genious magician, pshcological showman and he is just fantastic.
moving on swiftley to Chris, views on Obama. Well, I think america needs to escape from the stereotype of what they are, and Obama might be good for that.
Emma, you asked about plastic surgury, free that wouldn't hurt. I wouldn't do it, I would never be able to feel like me, I'd feel like I was hiding behind a mask.
My question- your greatest/ proudest acheivment? urm.. i think ill have to think about that and answer next friday!
Ok, is that all? wow, that was quick. Urm, yeah and I know I'm late.. sorry. Bye farewell tada au revoir tot siens goodbye bye bye bye, whatever bye is in swedish, and now michiel style BUY BUY BUY BUY BUY BUY BUY BUY.. I think he'd be good for adverts- BUY BUY BUY BUY BUY BUY BUY our product. Sounds good huh? BYEEEEEEE.
Oh, and as I'm late it is technichally Friday and so that means I never missed a day, so I can blame it on Michiel and say he forgot. Wow, I've attacked Michiel soo much in this blog, I'm fearing he might kick me in the bollocks. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A blog on the go!

So I wrote this on Tuesday night so you guys would have a blog today. I’m crazy busy in school right now and I have a paper that is due Thursday-night that I haven’t even started on yet and I’m feeling a little stressed out. Therefore I will spend all of the day today in the school library trying to write hopefully I’ll get some inspiration.

This last week has been filled with schoolwork and today I started my first spring course (Labour Law). It seems really interesting. I and some friends also got membership cards at one of the local gyms/fitness centers too, so now I’m working out with them like three times a week. I’m also planning to start swimming again because I have a card to the swimming center too that I haven’t used too frequently.

Well, on to the questions. *In a hurry*

I guess I should start by answering my own question of where I see myself in five years. Hopefully I’ve graduated college (it feels really though now) and also found myself a job that I like. I think I would like to move to another city or maybe even another country but I’m not sure yet. But if I were to move it would probably be to Stockholm or maybe USA or some lovely country in Europe, Any suggestions? Oh, and I wouldn’t mind having a boyfriend either. I say boyfriend because I don’t see myself married within five years.

On Thursday Michiel didn’t ask a question so there’s nothing for me to answer. I guess all I can say is that I hope nothing bad happens to you for at least the rest of the week :P

Friday was Sams day and he wanted to know “what was the one event that changed our life the most?”. This was a really hard question but I think the moment that has had the biggest impact on my life this far that I can think of right now is my parents’ divorce. Even though it’s almost thirteen years ago it can still get tough sometimes when it feels like you have to choose between the two of them. And the fact that they don’t get along to well doesn’t make it easier.

Moving on to Monday, Becca wanted to know what our favorite book was and why. I read a lot and I mean A LOT, so my favorite book changes all the time but right now it’s “Not without my daughter” that I just re-read. It’s just such a good book and every time I read it I feel for the main character and the movie is almost as good. So that’s a book I would recommend you all to read.

Tuesdays question from Chris was very topical, he wanted to know what we felt about Obama as president and how we thought he would do. I’ve actually wanted Obama to win since it was decided that he was the one running for the democrats. It was time for a change in the US and I think he can do a good job even though he will have a lot of hard work ahead of him due to the economy and the war among other things.

And my question for this week is: “If you were offered free plastic surgery that wouldn’t hurt what would you have done?”

I now proudly present this week’s sock!

I hope I didn't miss any question and I'll see you guys next week. Hopefully I wont be as busy as I am now.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tuesday January 20, 2009 will forever be an ObamaNation!

In running with today's theme... (no I don't actually own a pair of these)

As we all know, today marked a very significant event in the history of world politics. Barack Hussein Obama, was inaugurated today as the 44th and first African-American president of the United States. I will spare further details, as I'm sure you've all heard it a million times on every major news network around the world. On that note, I find it particular impressive that so many non-americans tuned in to watch the inauguration ceremony, myself included. I, like many others, am very happy to see Bush leave. I also, however will refrain from blaming the worlds problems on him, since that has already been overdone, and as much as I dislike him, he didn't cause everything to go wrong, he just didn't help in the worlds problems. I confidently look forward to Obama's rein as president, especially since he's going into all of this at a very rough time. He will certainly be held in the spotlight if things get worse, which is unfortunate because he seems quite competent and may be criticized more then he should be.

The ceremony itself seemed to have gone decently enough and I'm glad Bush didn't make another speech. I particularly liked the short black guys speech (I can't recall his name), he had some good points, and just looked really cute. Obama's speech was good as well, most of which was nothing new, but enjoyable none the less. I wish him luck and am curious to see how things will unveil in these troubled times.

Now enough of my ranting, on to questions:

Tuesday, Planet: You would think that I would have at least thought about my own question in the week that it was posted, but of course I am thinking of this on the spot... My planet would be called "Καλή φορές", it means "good times" in Greek, and it would be cool because it would be a world without hate. That's not to say that it would be perpetually jolly and happy, I fully condone disagreements, but flat out hatred and the results of such are unnecessary.

Wednesday, 5 Years: Well hopefully I will be done school by then, and working as a teacher somewhere. I yearn to impart knowledge on young minds. Unless of course I continue on to graduate studies, which I am also very interested in. Also a settled down long term relationship would be nice too.

Friday, Event: This is a tough one, I would say coming out was definitely a significant event in my life, as was the year and a half following that. I learned a lot about myself and what I wanted to do in life. Much to my parents disappointment I dropped out of engineering and switched into physics. I can happily say that I'm very glad I made the choice I did. I'm much more passionate about this degree then I ever was in engineering and don't find myself second guessing the decision as I did with engineering.

Monday, Favorite Book: I'm not sure that I have a favorite book. I would say my favorite series to date would have to be Harry Potter (generic I know). Mainly because, I like that while reading it I can immerse myself in a world full of excitement and adventure that isn't so different then our own, aside from the obvious magic. That and I can read it again and again without it losing enjoyment.

My question, to wrap up today's theme, how do you feel about Obama as president? Do you think he will do a good job, or did you want someone else to win?

Monday, January 19, 2009

Happy MLK day!!

So clearly, I am the only one here that knows what the heck MLK day is. It is a day dedicated to Martin Luther King Jr. and everything he stood for. So that means, NO CLASSES TODAY!! Which also means, i cleaned my whole room :)

Lets get straight to bidness.

Last Tuesday, Chris asked us what our planet would be called. I think mine would be called "planet pink" and its cool thing would be that its completely pink. I mean.. really how cool would that be??!

Emma asked us where we saw ourselves in 5 years. I will hopefully be done with school, and settled in with a job. Hopefully have a good relationship to start settling down with. Who knows.

If i am not mistaken, Michiel did NOT ask a question. But thats okay, i wont punish him :)

And Sam asked us what one event changed our lives forever. That would be the day my Grandpa passed away, nothing has been the same since.

For my question, i am going to ask, What's your favorite book, and why?