Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Fly by posting...

This is going to be super short!

I've been working a ridiculous amount of hours between my two jobs and will be starting work on my third job this week as well. So far I really like my main job of designing and implementing summer science camps for kids! It's really fun! I basically get to play around with random stuff all day and make fun science projects and experiments. The concert hall is really busy this month so I've been working lots and I'm super poor so I really need the cash. I'm suppose to be getting trained at the observatory on thursday/friday so we shall see how that goes and I will of course let you know.

Also I'm considering buying a road bike (with the money I don't have) since ideally I'd love to ride to and from work! Not to mention I've never owned a road bike and I think it would be fun to try something new!

I will try to take some pictures over the week and post them when I get a chance, as well I will try to do a more proper blog post.

Emma, I think London would be fantastic! Even if it is your first time I think you'll be alright, besides being terrified is half the fun! :P I've never been to the UK but I'd love to visit. :)

New question: What was the last film you saw at the cinema and what are you looking forward to seeing sometime soon?

Monday, May 11, 2009

Should be working and sleeping more

This will be a really short on because I’m not just busy I’m SUPER busy. So I have a home exam that is due Friday that I haven’t started, have to read the literature and answer the essay questions. Other than that I have two group assignments that need to get finished. Oh, and one more exam. The worst part is that I don’t feel like I know anything about the subject.

Moving on, as you might know my phone crashed 2½ weeks ago so I had to get it to the store. Last Friday I got a text saying I could come get it. Then when I got home and tried to start it I noticed that it still didn’t work so I had to go straight back to the store and hand it in again.

One last thing before moving on to the questions. I went to the hospital today to get tested to become a blood donor. Well, I filled in all the papers got the information and was taken in to a exam room to take the blood-test, but then the nurse said she couldn’t find a blood vessel that was good enough without me risking to not being able to get my own blood-tests in the future if I ever were to become a patient. So she said I couldn’t become a blood donor at this point, but I could try again in a couple of years and see if the vessels had become better/stronger.

Not too many questions to answer since Chris didn’t post last week due to some computer problems.

Basically all I have to answer is Sams question if by next summer I mean this one or the one 2010. Well, by next summer I mean the one 2010, but I’m still not sure if I’m gonna go to London by myself or if I should start with a trip to Stockholm.

New question: This will be a bit more of a challenge. If you can, take a picture of your favorite place in your neighborhood/city.