Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Time flys...

Well just like Emma mentioned, time seems to be flying by incredibly fast. I failed miserably at posting on Tuesday, so I'm going to cheat and back date this, also I have the advantage that we don't have a Wednesday at the moment, (we need to find someone soon!) I can't believe it's already Wednesday, mostly becuase I don't even have school this week, yet I've been busy everyday. I've either been working or doing school work, yesterday and today have been the only days that I haven't been doing homework, and I still have a mountain of stuff to do. I think tomorrow and Friday I will just be a hermit, (save for going to the gym,) and just study my ass off for everything!

So I just started reading a new book called "physics of the impossible" by Michiu Kaku (co-founder of string theory), so far it's really interesting, it basically explores our current knowledge of physics and anaylzes what he thinks is potentially possible in the next hundred-thousand years. For example, time travel, teleportation, force fields, phasers, etc. I also love that their is a Tardis on the cover (ps Sam you of all people better know what I mean by that.)

I also recieved Emma and Michael's Valentine's day cards! I haven't opened them yet, I hope to do that tomorrow in a video, I'm still waiting for Becca's card though.

On to questions:

Tuesday, Summer Plans: I honestly have no idea what I'm going to be doing over the summer, more specifically where I will be working. I really, really, really want to work at the university this summer and work in the research labs. I got an offer to work at the Astronomy observatory, but I'm not sure if I'll take it, becuase it means 2hrs of driving everyday and the pay is sucks, and wouldn't be enough to get me through the next year.

Thursday, Name: Alexander, I've always really liked that name, that or Peter, particularly the polish version of Peter, (Piotrik).

Friday, Answer:
-Sam I have no idea, my only guess, and a very random guess is, "what is" bound money, like stacks of bills?
-Emma, I'm gonna guess either what is yoga, or some sort of sport/going to the gym? or.... what is writing a blog?

-My answer: It's on everything polish, it's white, and it flys.

Monday, TV: Currently, it would probably have to be HUSTLE! That show is truely fantastic!

Tuesday, new question: Do you want to get married, and why or why not? Also, at roughly what age do you think/want to get married by?

Ps, I think until we find someone for Wednesdays (and even after that) we should collectively post something, or like rotate through everyone. I'm thinking posting our favorite pic, YouTube video, website, book, movie, etc on that day, and just like having a little blurb about it. Something quick and short. Thoughts?