MONDAY- Becca couldn't think of a question. So as punishment to her, I will now go and read through both her blogs in an american accent.
TUESDAY- Chris used my favouroute new verb, and he also asked us his question; If you were a planet what would you be called, and why what would make it so cool. So, I asked my mum, what would I have been called If I was a planet and I would be called Lucy, don't ask me why. It would be cool, because I would be president, therefore only the coolest people would be allowed in. And it would be made of chocolate. mmmmm.
WEDNESDAY- Emma, the question was- where do you see yourself in five years. Well, the question isn't that Emma, the real answer is where do you see yourself in five years.. Ok so that was a terible attempt by me to turn the around, because I have no Idea. At the moment I don't even know what career I want to do. In five years I will be nineteen.. hmm, of course I want to move from England, but although the netherlands is looking more likley at the moment, it is not set in stone and there is still the possibility of belgium. And if I live in the netherlands, in five years I see myself underwater.
THURSDAY- On Thursday, Michiel forgot our names and called us by our days... pff. And more to the point, Thursday asked no question.. (you know I'm only kidding)
FRIDAY- My question is gonna be really really obvious, and I found it from the internet, and I've heard it in every collaboration vlog, blog or whatever. But there is a reason why it is so popular, Is becasue it's a damn good question. Anyhow, my (mine? hmm, not quite) question is 'what is the one event that changed your life most?' and I'm not going to answer that until next week. Because I want to keep you all waiting in suspense (I bet you can't wait.. ok, maybe it's not that exiting), because It is a hard thing to get in the mood to write about and mainly because I have over done this article WAY TOO MUCH..
So keeping good-byes short now, BYE BYE!! XD
P.S. I sent michiel and chris a card, or more of a peice of paper, but its something random and funny. Just intended to make you both smile, even if it isn't for very long! So, any way BYE!

so it appears I do wear the same socks twice!