Friday, January 16, 2009

Whoring out on a friday!!

It's FRIDAY!! Giving us a glimpse of the weekend, not too far off in the horizon. However, this also means it is my turn to write an article!! Upon hearning that information I am sure many of you have stopped reading... or at least half. 'oh don't be so harsh on yourself, your actually quite cool.. ' your thinking. Well, stricly you're not, I was though. Ok, I want to talk about my week.. Oh yes, I went back to school, but still not much to write about that, other than it's tiring and BORING. Oh, and another thing, becca told me she reads my articles in an english accent, quite honestly I don't know what to think... No, I understand- but only on the condition that it is a funny english accent.. Nothing I ever say is intended to be deeply serious and whenever it is I normally will tell you. So on a more serious note.. 'uh-hu!', you think to yourself in a rather disapproving, sarcasting, unbeleiving tone whilst raising one of your eyebrows. 'What is this serious new you talk of?' you ask. The serious thing I have to write about is: that I have nothing serious to write about; therefore (that word can make even the stupidest of chimanzie presidents sound clever.) I will probably end up rambling on.. And looking back at how much I have written so far- a fair amount, considering within it is NOTHING, I can conclude that I have already started. Let's not break the trend. Chris introduced me to a very intersting reflexive verb: Infinitive- to whore oneself out, Past participle: To have whored yourself out, past tense: e.g. in first person singular, I whored myself out. Unfortunatley as I said last week, I have already done that. So I apologize. All very interseting. I will use that word more often now on. So as you can see all very interesting things that I talk about.
MONDAY- Becca couldn't think of a question. So as punishment to her, I will now go and read through both her blogs in an american accent.

TUESDAY- Chris used my favouroute new verb, and he also asked us his question; If you were a planet what would you be called, and why what would make it so cool. So, I asked my mum, what would I have been called If I was a planet and I would be called Lucy, don't ask me why. It would be cool, because I would be president, therefore only the coolest people would be allowed in. And it would be made of chocolate. mmmmm.

WEDNESDAY- Emma, the question was- where do you see yourself in five years. Well, the question isn't that Emma, the real answer is where do you see yourself in five years.. Ok so that was a terible attempt by me to turn the around, because I have no Idea. At the moment I don't even know what career I want to do. In five years I will be nineteen.. hmm, of course I want to move from England, but although the netherlands is looking more likley at the moment, it is not set in stone and there is still the possibility of belgium. And if I live in the netherlands, in five years I see myself underwater.

THURSDAY- On Thursday, Michiel forgot our names and called us by our days... pff. And more to the point, Thursday asked no question.. (you know I'm only kidding)

FRIDAY- My question is gonna be really really obvious, and I found it from the internet, and I've heard it in every collaboration vlog, blog or whatever. But there is a reason why it is so popular, Is becasue it's a damn good question. Anyhow, my (mine? hmm, not quite) question is 'what is the one event that changed your life most?' and I'm not going to answer that until next week. Because I want to keep you all waiting in suspense (I bet you can't wait.. ok, maybe it's not that exiting), because It is a hard thing to get in the mood to write about and mainly because I have over done this article WAY TOO MUCH..

So keeping good-byes short now, BYE BYE!! XD
P.S. I sent michiel and chris a card, or more of a peice of paper, but its something random and funny. Just intended to make you both smile, even if it isn't for very long! So, any way BYE!
OH, and seeing as I cba to upload a new image- ITS FRIDAY, c'mon, please let me off? THE socks of the week!!

so it appears I do wear the same socks twice!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

T-T-T-to the Hursday!

Yes indeed, it is finally thursday again and I really don't feel like writing this.

Not because I don't like writing, not because I don't like this blog, not because I'm suffering a bit from winterblues, I love all of that. It's just that i'm lazy as hell today.

Lazy with a capital L.

Anyway, let's wrap up things. This week has been rather uneventful, I've been working a lot again and have been thinking about my UKtrip a lot. I can't wait until I'm off to the UK for two weeks, it'll be amazing.

Oh yes and I picked up my pounds at the bank today, though some things went wrong there... But you guys will have seen my QuickMe09 video already propably and therefor know of it already...

I asked last week what animal I would be, and I would be an ant. A little hard worker :)

Friday, three things I love about Belgium...

- Freedom

- Euros

- Diversity

and three things I hate...

- Politics

- Prices

- Racism

Tuesday, If I was a planet it would be called iPlanet and it would be completely white with an ocasional apple-logo. Oh and everything would be touchscreeny.

Wednesday, in 5 years I see myself still working, but hopefully in my own house instead of my appartment. Don't know where that home would be though. I'd love to move to outside Belgium one day. I'd possibly still be single, but I kinda hope that by then I have a loving husband and an adopted child. A cute child. And lots of money. A rich husband that is :)

But ah well, I will prolly just be single still :)

Crappy blog, isn't it?

I know, and I'm sorry. I really just don't feel like it.

I wish I had some more energy but unfortunately I don't have it at this moment.

Oh yes, socks.

I'm not wearing socks atm...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


So I was finally looking forward to it getting a little warmer here and an hour ago it started snowing again. I mean seriously all almost all the snow was gone and then it start again. I’m mad right now.

Let’s move on instead. This week has been kind of uneventful, I went back to school to prepare for my exam that’s gonna wrap up last semesters last course (Differential psychology). And on Monday I start my new semester that for me means:

# Labour Law
# Business Administration – Human Resource Cost and Accounting
# Management Accounting

I don’t really know how I feel about these courses yet.
Other then that I haven’t done so much cause I got sick. So apart from being in school I’ve just relaxed and done everything to get better again.

Now I feel it’s time to start answering some questions.
Last Thursday Michiel wanted to know what animal we would want to be and why. For me that is a really hard question cause I love a lot of animals like penguins, dolphins and lions. But if I have to choose I think I would be a Lion, partly because I’m a Leo and also because they are strong and beautiful animals.

Sam wanted us to tell you three things we love about our country and three things we would like to change.

1. I like that the people working can have five weeks paid vacation every year. (It’s normally 25-30 days)
2. I love the fact that we don’t have to pay for college.
3. I also like the free healthcare.

1. I don’t like the high taxes we have.
2. I would want it to be easier for young people to get a job.
3. The last thing I would like is for Swedish people to stop complain so much.

Becca didn’t have a question so there’s nothing for me to answer. Instead I’m just gonna say that I loved your socks :)

And then yesterday Chris wanted to know what we would call ourselves if we were planets and also what would make our planet better than the other planets. I have no imagination what so ever but I’m gonna give it a try just for you. *Starting to think*

*Several minutes later*

Gosh, this was really hard… I guess I would name the planet Dilerius just because that’s how I feel a lot of the time right now. And the special thing that would make my planet better than all the rest is that it would spin around and go around like a carousel so you would always get a free ride and you would stay Dilerius :P

And my question for this week is, Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Work, school, family etc.

Now it’s finally time for the sock of the day:

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Since this is one of the few times I don't wear socks in the winter...

Hello to all you fabulous people!

To start I'd just like to give an appreciative thanks for all the kind birthday wishes! :D It was, for the most part, a low key birthday, but I'm happy with that. I decided to be extra dorky this year and invite everyone to go ceramic painting! Essentially how it works is you select a ceramic object, and then paint it however you like; afterwards they fire and glaze it for you. They have quite a large selection of objects ranging from plates and clocks to mugs and jewelry boxes, this time I decided to paint a Gnome, just because I've always wanted one and I thought it would be fun! I have to go pick up my Gnome tomorrow, hopefully it turned out well. We also went for dinner and drinks afterwards.

Otherwise school has started again this week. I am looking forward to all but one of my classes. This semester I will be taking:

Physics 255 - Electromagnetism
Physics 325 - Modern Physics II
Astrophysics 213 - Fundamentals of Astronomy
Applied Math 219 - Multi Variable Calculus

All of my classes seem interesting and should be decent with the exception of Calculus. It's not so much that I don't like the class, it's just more of an annoyance then anything, I've already done a lot of the material so it will be quite boring, but such is life. On a similar note, I spent to much money on stationary products as usual. I've spent far to much money in general in the past few days, since I randomly decided to by a PS3 on top of all my usual expenses.

Now on to questions:

Wednesday – New Years Resolutions: I never really make any hard set resolutions, I generally just make loose goals for the year to try and achieve, but won't feel bad if I don't. Currently, I'm trying to keep my house organized, especially when it comes to my school work, I need to be able to find things quickly and easily. I also want to read more, I have a rather large stack of books to get through, so as soon as I finish Twilight I'm gonna start on some physics books.

Thursday – Animal: This is a tough one, I think I will choose eagle, just because they are elegant and can fly!

FRIDAY – 3 things we like about our country. And then three things we would want to change:

1. We are a very friendly and mostly polite nation.
2. The very diverse climate and geography of Canada.
3. That despite being quite an insignificant nation on the world stage, we are still one of the more well off countries of the world.

1. Our lack of ability to stand up to world super powers such as the US, we are often just following everyone else.
2. Voter apathy and hypocracy.
3. The occasional ignorance of our government.

My question for the week: If you were a planet in space, what would you name yourself? Also what's one cool thing that would make your planet better then all the rest?

Well that's a wrap,

Keep it fierce, fabulous, and ferocious!

Ps. Because I forgot to whore myself out last week:

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Monday, January 12, 2009

Holy Questions Batman!!

Wow, wow, wow, wow, so there are plenty of questions to answer today. So I will get down to business, no more small talk. You’ll get over it =D.

TUESDAY - Chris asked where we would like to travel. I think I want to go somewhere in Europe. Actually, I would like to go ANYWHERE. I have never been anywhere outside of the Midwest USA.

Wednesdayyy – Emma asked what our new years resolution is. I don’t make resolutions, for the single fact that I can’t keep them. I’m very unmotivated in that area.

T to the hursday – Michiel, you asked what animal I want to be, and why. That’s EASY! I would want to be a penguin. I love penguins they are my favorite; that is all.

FRIDAY – OHAY CHRIS HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Sam, you told us to say 3 things we like about our country. And then three things I would want to change.
1. I like the fact that we have the freedom we have.
2. I looove that we now will have a president that will be good for America, and not another Bush.
3. (can’t think of much else)

1. I would like to change our economic status, ugh I know that’s a very generic thing to say.
2. We’re very rude people, I wouldn’t mind having that change too.
3. AND apparently, we’re very fat people… that’s gotta change.

Wow, I think that’s the shortest question answering portion, ever. I go back to school tomorrow, and I’m SO excited. I wrote my resume yesterday and filled out applications. Sent them in the mail today, so hopefully I get an internship for the summer, so I can get the heck out of dodge. I have also started to work on recording a cover of a song for YouTube, maybe that will happen sometime in the near future. oh and ps. ITS BLIZZARDING, i would attach a picture, but i dont want to. =D Ugh, what else.. what else.. what else. Nothing OKAY!

I don’t have a question for this week, because I can’t really think of anything right now. Have a fabulous week!!!! <333


See ya on the flip side, Chris =)