Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Since this is one of the few times I don't wear socks in the winter...

Hello to all you fabulous people!

To start I'd just like to give an appreciative thanks for all the kind birthday wishes! :D It was, for the most part, a low key birthday, but I'm happy with that. I decided to be extra dorky this year and invite everyone to go ceramic painting! Essentially how it works is you select a ceramic object, and then paint it however you like; afterwards they fire and glaze it for you. They have quite a large selection of objects ranging from plates and clocks to mugs and jewelry boxes, this time I decided to paint a Gnome, just because I've always wanted one and I thought it would be fun! I have to go pick up my Gnome tomorrow, hopefully it turned out well. We also went for dinner and drinks afterwards.

Otherwise school has started again this week. I am looking forward to all but one of my classes. This semester I will be taking:

Physics 255 - Electromagnetism
Physics 325 - Modern Physics II
Astrophysics 213 - Fundamentals of Astronomy
Applied Math 219 - Multi Variable Calculus

All of my classes seem interesting and should be decent with the exception of Calculus. It's not so much that I don't like the class, it's just more of an annoyance then anything, I've already done a lot of the material so it will be quite boring, but such is life. On a similar note, I spent to much money on stationary products as usual. I've spent far to much money in general in the past few days, since I randomly decided to by a PS3 on top of all my usual expenses.

Now on to questions:

Wednesday – New Years Resolutions: I never really make any hard set resolutions, I generally just make loose goals for the year to try and achieve, but won't feel bad if I don't. Currently, I'm trying to keep my house organized, especially when it comes to my school work, I need to be able to find things quickly and easily. I also want to read more, I have a rather large stack of books to get through, so as soon as I finish Twilight I'm gonna start on some physics books.

Thursday – Animal: This is a tough one, I think I will choose eagle, just because they are elegant and can fly!

FRIDAY – 3 things we like about our country. And then three things we would want to change:

1. We are a very friendly and mostly polite nation.
2. The very diverse climate and geography of Canada.
3. That despite being quite an insignificant nation on the world stage, we are still one of the more well off countries of the world.

1. Our lack of ability to stand up to world super powers such as the US, we are often just following everyone else.
2. Voter apathy and hypocracy.
3. The occasional ignorance of our government.

My question for the week: If you were a planet in space, what would you name yourself? Also what's one cool thing that would make your planet better then all the rest?

Well that's a wrap,

Keep it fierce, fabulous, and ferocious!

Ps. Because I forgot to whore myself out last week:

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