Ok, I don't think I'm gonna be writing much because I will have so many questions to answer, so I'll just get started on them:
Picture of favorite neighborhood place: I didn't take this one myself, but here is edgbaston resevoir. However, at this time of year it is a bit more full than it is in that picture.
Last movie I saw/ next film I might: The last film I saw at the cinema was 'fighting'. The reveiws said it was boring and had a terrible plot and that the fight scenes were rubbish/ not enough. But after watching it, I think it was actually quite good. I don't know if it's because I am too easily pleased, or that the people who said that went into the film expecting 2 hours of kick ass fight scenes. I think it's that, thinking about it the title is easy to be mis-understood, whilst at the same time, stil fits with the story. The mext film I might see, is that one that is supposed to be the scariest film of this decade. Something about dragging someone to hell or something. My favorite horror film this decade has to probably be 1408, I can't really think of any, so if you think there is one better than that, tell me.
Susan Boyle: To be honest I haven;t actually heard her sing. I know there has been loads of press about her, she's always in the newspapers and stuff. I was actually surprised that People from all round the world had heard of her, so considering that there are some quite good (and also quite bad) acts this year and they haven't been praised as much as her, she must be good. But I can't really give an opinion untill I've heard her. Although, I think it is slightly unfair ona all the other acts, who probably feel like crap when everyone is bascically telling them that they have no chance.
Favorite summer time activity: hmm.. Holidaying I suppose. I can't really think of one, I just like the whole summer break.
Education system: Well, Primary school seemed fine and secondary school has been.. somewhat disapointing. Apparently, I go to quite a good school, which means there are plenty of schools worse than mine. Although I am in the highest group, there is still a wide range of abilities, that might be a problem here, that we tend to water everything down so the slowest people can keep up, I know that when you go on expoditions e.t.c. you walk at the speed of the slowest walker, so I'm not saying we should cater only for the more able ones and leave the others struggling and ultimatley lost (as my maths teacher does), just adapt things to each individual better. Like in language classes. We don't learn enough grammar or vocabulary, we just get fed endless phrases, which we should be able to remeber somehow and then regurgitate when the situation arrises. They try and make us become walking phrasebooks, exept full of phrases like 'the dog sits on the mat' 'the cat sit near the mat' and 'I would like to borrow your jumper'. Not only are these sentences never going to turn up in a conversation (excluding mental hospitals) But no-one can rember phrases like that. This is the kind of stuff they test us on: 'Hello, my name is Sam, I have brown hair, green eyes and I have a dog who is called Bob. I have 23 brothers and a sister. Can I borrow your jumper?'. Quite honestly it's embarressing when we go anywhere else abroad and there are toddlers who have learned English better than you've learned their language.
Adam Lambert: Who? Sorry, I've heard of him, but I have no idea who he (he, right?) is. Sorry.
En fin, ma question- 'est-ce que je peux emprenter votre pull?'.. My question-
What do you think of chinese remedies, you know, acupunture, herbal medicines, pressure points to releive things?