Thursday, February 19, 2009

Hello, My name is Becca.

So as Sam stated, I wasn't allowed to say my name in the blog.. however, I cheated and put it in the title. HAHA! gotcha :).

Anyway, this week has been slow.. my birthday was on monday... umm didn't have school that day... ANd i went to all my classes so far this week. :) and am planning on going to them tomorrow as well. I have another doctor's appointment for my back tomorrow.. I'M DEMANDING PAIN MEDS. because he just isn't fixing it the way he should. Umm I'm leaving for Los Angeles in about 15 days.. I'm STOKED! .. stoked beyond belief.. you dont even know.. Nothing else really... a whole lot of nothing has been going on lately.

On to the questions!
I can't even guess what Sam's object is....... idk.
I think Emma's is exercising.
And Chris's... i was gonna say sheep.. but they dont fly. Uh.. uhhh.. uh.. idfk. You tell me what it is :)

And here's mine: its red and shiny and when opened things fall out. (thats not dirty. i promise) (it also doubles as something else that i should have mentioned in the beginning :) )

Emmaaaa You asked what my favorite show is... CLEARLY if you follow my tweets, you KNOW by now that it is Grey's Anatomy..... duh. :)

And christopher... you askedif i wanna get hitched.. and when. Well OBVIOUSLY i want to get hitched sometime... and hopefully its by the age of 26.. Thats only 6 years away.. holy crap.. I better get to findin a man. lol.

And to answer my question from last week... i would change my name to Kyrie. Its always been my favoritest name.. and someday i will probably name a daughter that :)

And NOW my question for this week... RATHER a challenge. I challenge each of you to take a picture of your bedroom.. and do NOT clean it just for the picture.. it has to be taken while you are writing your blog next week :)

See ya'll next thursday :)

<333 becca.