Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Just another lazy Wednesday

Since I’ve been walking around in my PJ’s all day doing absolutely nothing, I haven’t had any socks on.

So last week I was totally stressed out over the paper that I hadn’t started. Well, I got it done in time even though that meant staying up all night. I should have the result in two or three weeks so I’ll let you know then how it went. Now I’ve started for real with the first spring course so right now I’m reading about a lot of different laws and stuff that has to do with the Labour law area. So far it’s really interesting but it’s a lot of work understanding everything and learning how to find everything in the law book.

With the paper and all schoolwork I had last week, there wasn’t a lot of time over to do other things. I did however get the time to go to an aerobics class yesterday with a couple of friends, it was really fun. And I also got invited to my friend’s boyfriend’s birthday party the weekend after this.

Since I haven’t done anything else that would be interesting to mention here, I guess I’ll move on to answering the questions.

I should probably start by answering my own question. So, plastic surgery… if I knew for sure it wouldn’t hurt and it was for free. I might have something done to my nose that is a little big, and some minor firming up at the places that’s in need of it. But this is just out of pure vanity.

Last Thursday Sam wanted to know what our greatest achievement was. That’s a really difficult question because I think I’m a little too young to have a great achievement yet, but so far in my life I have to say that getting in to the college/university I wanted is the one.

On Friday Michiel asked if we wanted children and if we had a name picked up. I would love to have children… well, I would like one kid at least and preferably a girl. I would probably name her Tindra or Wilma. But that will probably change many times before it’s actually time to name a baby.

Yesterday Chris wanted to know which year had been the best and worst in school for us and why. The best year for me is actually a tie between my senior year in high school and my first year of university. Senior year because I looked forward to graduating and we had a lot of fun activities the last semester like cruises, bar rounds etc. University because I’ve made a lot of new friends and I have to spend a lot less time in school. The next 10 weeks I only have two classes a week.
The worst year have to be junior year in high school. We had a lot to do and I felt stressed all the time.

So my question to you guys this week is: If you got to meet anyone you wanted, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

I’m gonna have to think about that till next week and let you know my answer then.