Thursday, April 30, 2009

We will stop these tourist killers.

I have decided some deviation from my usual, by posing today, because I felt like it. Also, for some ultra cool reason I have no school for the next four days. Anyway, I'll begin with this week, where on wednesday Barack Obama was celebrating his 100th day as the president. Of course, I still remeber the blogs we wrote when he was first selected and 100 days seems and awfully long time ago considering that feels as if I wrote it about five minutes ago. Unfortunatley, the fact it seems the world is just getting over him (although the media still insists of shoving down stories about how he bought a new pet fish and what toothpaste he uses e.t.c.) raises questions about if he is fullfilling his role of the president of the untited states of america. But, I personally don't think we've given him enough time to discover if he is a peice of stainless steel or waiting to rust, if that makes any sense what so ever. But let's look what history has shown us; Hitler: (Please don't misunderstand the fact I am comparing Hitler to Obama xD) I doubt anybody could become a world hate figure in 100 days apart from George Bush. And I beleive that Barack Obama has been much better than George Bush ever was through-out his entire career. I mean SO much better. For a number of reasons: He doesn't declare war on 'trrists' every time you say hello to him and, more importantly, he has completed evolution. And I really had no idea, why he kept on declaring a war on tourism; I myself have been a tourist and I did not appreciate how I was a branded killer for being a tourist:

we will stop these tourist killers
But back onto Hitler, I have proen that my maths teacher, is in fact Hitler. Hitler began breaking a few rules, like making an army (as germany was banned from doing so after WW1) Then he moved onto worse things, yet the surrounding countries were hesitant to intervien. It took something ridiculous for anyone else to think 'should we stop this guy?'. That is exactley my math's teacher. Let's just compare WW1 to her getting her job, don't ask why, other than they were both terrible and led to the death of millions of children (that is, of course, not to attempt to play down the seriousness of WW1 in any way). Then she begins breaking a few rules, but no other teachers will intervien so long as they are cosy.
So I have rambled for quite a while about.. well technicaly, nothing, but anyway, I have one more thing to do: Les questions:
Longest without sleep: I never sleep. Well.. ok maybe I do, but to be honest I have no idea. I think about three days when I was in cornwall with mates.
Longest sleeping: I think your 12-14, is my equivalent of a nap. I would therefore have to conclude the longest I ever slept is probably a number of years.
My own question: Well, I already speak every language ever made ( I wish), and I can already fly (on an areoplane), I can already read minds (My own mainly being the key point in that), and I can already beat anyone in a fight (mainly because I am a very quick runner); meaning I am left with the reduntant and rather amusing skill of being able to breath fire. Although, given the choice I would chose all of them.
My new question: Although I could ask 'do you think Barack Obama has done a good job so far' I feel like something different... hmm.

Some considerable time and many seconds later:

A challenge, because people seemed to like them: I challenge you to see how many dry crackers you can eat in two minutes and film it. If you can't or can't be bothered to do that then I challenge you to see how many times you can fit the word: superfluous, in context into your blog. If you do both then brilliant. I know that's cruel, but sorry xD
That's all for today Bye!