Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My room exploded...

... Ok, not actually but it might as well have. I decided to rearrange all the furniture in my room and give it a good cleaning! After finishing off series 2 of spooks, I spent the greater part of the evening taking apart my room, moving everything, and then putting it back together again.

Nothing terribly exciting has happened since my last update, other then I am finally done school for the semester, and am now officially on summer break. That being said, I seem to only have one day off and that is tomorrow. Since I'm working Thursday evening and then have to get up bright and early to start my new job on Friday. We are heading to the mountains for the weekend (Canmore) about an hour away, for a staff retreat. The idea is that we can get to meet everyone in a casual environment and also get trained for our jobs. The real work will start the following Tuesday. It will be nice to get out of the city and I am looking forward to the trip. Speaking of trips my parents have decided to once again go on vacation to america, this is the 6th time in the past 4 years! They will be visiting the west coast with stops in San Diego and Los Angeles. Hopefully things work out for my own travel plans to San Francisco in June, but I shall keep everyone posted.

Mine: I think the longest I've stayed awake is around 48-60 hrs. I haven't really had a need to stay awake for much longer. The worst was on our trip to europe last year. We left Calgary at noon, landed in Frankfurt at 9:00 am local time, drove to visit our cousin in Köln, then drove back to Frankfurt, arrived around midnight, waited around for our flight to Tunisia at 4 am, arrived in Tunisia at 7:00 am. So not only did I not sleep for those two days, but I also had horrible jet lag!

Emma: Longest I slept was probably about 12-14 hrs.

New: What is the oldest thing you own, and where did it come from?