Monday, March 9, 2009

Welcome to my life

As you might have noticed this post is a little late. Thats because my internet decided to fail on me last night but now it's up and running again.

This will be a really short post because I'm really busy, tired and I'm still feeling my cold or someting else maybe.

So this last week has been pretty uneventful. I got sick on wednesday with a fever of almost 104 so the rest of the week and weekend was spent inside and mostly in bed trying to get better. I'm gonna move on to the questions now and since neither Becca nor Sam posted any blogs I don't have to much to answer.

I'll start by answering my own question about life. I would probably try to do more things and not procrastinate everything if I knew exactly how long I had to live. On the other hand it could actually also lead to procrastinating if I knew I had 50 years because thats a long time.

Chris wanted to know what we thought about politics and what we supported or disagreed with. I like the social democrats and the political system we have here. Mainly because we have such a big safty net. Although I think sometimes people have to start take some responsibility of there own and don't just use the system. But I guess you have to take the bad with the good.

Chris also gave us a challenge to write a mail to the future us. I wrote about how stressful things can be and are right now and that I need to learn to priorotise what to do. And that the world won't go under just because I haven't gotten everything done perfectly and on time.

My question for this week is "What do you like to do when your feeling a bit ill?"