Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Because procrastinating is just easier...

So, I should be studying for my quiz tomorrow and two midterms Wednesday, but I'm just not in the mood. I'm all schooled out after the weekend, sadly I have much more to do over the next few days. Fortunately my astrophysics assignment that was due Friday got pushed back till Monday which is a slight relief. That being said I will still have to work on it as much as possible this week since I'm working all weekend and then going to a birthday party on Saturday night.

On a down note, I have to go to the courthouse on Friday to try and get my penalty reduced for an illegal U-Turn ticket I got a couple weeks ago. It is quite possibly the lamest ticket I have ever gotten! Here's how it went down, in order to get to work I have to drive eastbound in to downtown so naturally I park on the street facing east, but in order to get home I have to go west. So like I've down countless times before I just make a U-Turn and get on my merry way. This time however there just happened to be a police car driving by as I was doing the U-Turn. Needless to say I got pulled over and he gave me a ticket for $115CAD ($80USD/£60/730SK). Anyway hopefully I can get a lower penalty, it just means I have to get up really early and go to the courthouse downtown.

On a positive and exciting note! I am almost 100% certain that I will be getting a 15" new MacBook Pro! YAY! I should be getting a nice tax return next week which will basically pay for the laptop haha. I'm super excited! My current MacBook just isn't up to par anymore. I multitask WAY to much and my poor MacBook just can't handle it. I'm still deliberating what case/sleeve to get for it though, and it doesn't help that I'm super picky.

Question time! I have no idea how I managed to forget a question last week, it completely slipped my mind, so I shall compensate with a question and a challenge this week.

Friday - Law: Well you can read by above about my most recent encounter with the law haha. Otherwise I agree with Emma, I think it is necessary to an extent, however it is often over the top and excessive. Or funding is poorly spent, such as my U-Turn ticket, that was a complete waste of government money! Especially on a Friday night when there is inevitably tones of other crime going on that is far more important.

Monday - Life: I'm not sure I would live my life greatly different, but I think I would at least try a lot harder to accomplish more and live a fuller life. I find myself having a rather boring life, especially when I hear about friends traveling the world, studying abroad, working abroad etc. I personally love adventure and traveling, so I hope to do lots of that throughout my life. I especially want to move out of North America and very possibly move to europe (YAY for being an EU citizen).

Tuesday - Politics: Just to get controversial, what is your political standing, who and what do you support, disagree with, etc? Also please don't be nice on purpose, tell us what you really think and we in turn promise to not be judgemental of your stand! :)

Challenge: Fill out one of these and tell us what you wrote ( Basically your writing a letter to your future self, and you pick any date you want, and it will automatically email it you on that date. (try and make it at least 1 year later)