Thursday, January 22, 2009

Late, and too many byes...


Ok, so this isn't Michiel, for some strange reason I can't be bothered to explain. But the fact is you have me today, Sam. So for my fans, which I know there are many, you are in luck. And for Michiel's fans, of which there might be a few.. Ok, maybe millions, but anyhow he's still alive. Ok, so I can't be bothered to talk about much more because I am tired and recovering from a murderous headache. And what else.. I went to london with a few mates and an art teacher, we had fun. I think I will put in some pictures I took. Namley of a dirty old woman who was reading porn on the train, so I was 'taking pictures of my friends doing silly faces' which just happened to show my camera what she was reading. But this is not a porn blog, sos I will not show all the pictures, only the mild ones:^^^^

If you zoom in on the first one it is a naked man, and her face on the one above is legendary!
Ok, so questions:
Ok, so my question was one thing that changed my life.
And that would have to have been something that happened before my life began, when my Dad died. It affects me quite often, but it's late and it's not something I shut off, or even like to shut of conversation about, it is that it is upseting. I talk about him as often as possible.
ok, Becca- what is my favouroute book. It has to be Derren Brown's book, Tricks of the mind. It is just brilliant, he is a genious magician, pshcological showman and he is just fantastic.
moving on swiftley to Chris, views on Obama. Well, I think america needs to escape from the stereotype of what they are, and Obama might be good for that.
Emma, you asked about plastic surgury, free that wouldn't hurt. I wouldn't do it, I would never be able to feel like me, I'd feel like I was hiding behind a mask.
My question- your greatest/ proudest acheivment? urm.. i think ill have to think about that and answer next friday!
Ok, is that all? wow, that was quick. Urm, yeah and I know I'm late.. sorry. Bye farewell tada au revoir tot siens goodbye bye bye bye, whatever bye is in swedish, and now michiel style BUY BUY BUY BUY BUY BUY BUY BUY.. I think he'd be good for adverts- BUY BUY BUY BUY BUY BUY BUY our product. Sounds good huh? BYEEEEEEE.
Oh, and as I'm late it is technichally Friday and so that means I never missed a day, so I can blame it on Michiel and say he forgot. Wow, I've attacked Michiel soo much in this blog, I'm fearing he might kick me in the bollocks. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE