Friday, January 9, 2009


I'm fine thanks... Thank you all for asking *cough cough. So, the moment has finally arrived to write my article. It is Friday today, so that means I am now left with the blog in my dominion! And it also means, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRIS!!!I guess a captivating way to start off, would be to disclose in some information about myself.. Ok, so my name is Sam, I live in the good ol' U of K. Wait, that's not right, what I meant to say was, I'm English. I really have no Idea how I am supposed to seriously tell you about myself, I have no real starting point. Ok, I give up, you can probably guess what's coming up next: if you want to find out more about me I guess you'll have to (delete as appropriate: read my blog/watch my videos/ go to my myspace) my blog is I didn't really want to relinquish my virginity on this blog, but there you go, you've got me.
Ok, the past week of mine has been pretty bland, flavourless, drudurous... basically as boring as a Gordon Brown doing stand-up, whilst two nerds are having an debate about pi... hmm really interesting! So I'm going to talk about new year, as that was only nine days ago. To start with I'm not a huge fan of new year, 2008 for me was a really negative year there were few real highlights to that year. I was quite a twat to be honest, and the crapper my life was going the more it seemed to reflect onto my personality. Towards the end of 2008 and from the dawn of 2009 marked a new era for me, I now am a much more positive person, and although I doubt my personality has had much bearing on it, but everything is going much better. Now, I have just read that back, and it slightly evokes the thought that I suddenly changed over the new year, It had been a working progress for me. And by now if you are screaming expletives, punching your computer screen, or even flushing your computer down the toilet in anger that I can claim to have been depressed at this young age, well then.. ha ha it's your loss. I'll stop talking about that, and I'll restrain from divulging into all the things that were going wrong to make me like that... So, anyhow that was the main thing over new year.
right, what to go onto now.. ah-ha! questions!
1. Becca, you asked what I got for Christmas. well, actually I didn't get much this year, because my mum had bought me a laptop a couple of weeks before Christmas so that's kinda my Christmas present. But in terms of what I physically received, I got some books, some random little things and favorite of all I got Dorris. Who is this beautiful, enchanting, alluring, present you talk of. It is my giant lollipop, duh! Ok, so that just makes me sound like a pervert, but what I'm going on about is actually my giant lolly-pop! It is the size of about two fists, and me and Joe, my older sister's boyfriend named her Dorris.

2.Chris, you said 'where would I most like to go to?'. Well that one's fairly easy, That would have to be the Netherlands, I have wanted to go there or to Belgium since last summer and when I decided that I wanted to live outside of the UK, then I finally I decided on the Netherlands (sorry Micheil). I have actually been meaning to be learning some dutch, but I always procrastinate... In fact, me learning dutch is how I found this community thing, I was watching one of Ericos's dutch videos and then I found everyone else..
3. Emma, what was my new years resolution? To be calmer/more positive, and the other one is a secret! There are many targets I have that I want to achieve by the end of 2009, Like speaking dutch better, speaking french better and just generally being happy! XD
4. On Thursday, Michiel asked us what animals would we be? Well that's easy, I'd be a horse because I have a big..... Should I even finish that? why not? well, I would be a horse because I have a big mane. eww? wtf is with the dirty mind people, I was only trying to make a reference to my big hair.. Jesus Christ..

Ok, so my question is going to be.. no, no wait It's not gonna be a question, I want you all to tell me three things you love about your country and why, and then three things you would change/ hate about your country, and why.
here goes: three things I love about my country- 1, our freedom, the fact that we are given our rights, I know from the countries we all come from that's just given anyway, but It's cool, there still are countries who aren't given they're rights.
2.Our hospitality, English people, I know some are twats, but generally they are nice people. You can always count on them helping out in a difficult time.
3.I love our humour/ banter. I sometimes get the feeling this is always something that you can count on in other countries, like say for example.. France. See, there I go again, it's in my blood, it's not there to offend anyone, it's just nature for me.
three things I would h=change.. wow, this is gonna be easy.
1. our priminster, i don't know if he actually knows why he is even in charge.
2. Our generosity, yeah surly that's a good thing, but when we give out loads of money to people who chose not to work just because they don't want to that is just dumb.
3. the way our government bosses us around.. I thought we were a democracy.
Ok, random blog I know.. enjoy your weekend, and we'll see you again on Monday, Becca will be starting us off again. ciao!

ok, so maybe I don't wear odd socks..