Monday, June 1, 2009

”Enchantress Emma”

So I know I’ve been a bit distant the last couple of weeks but it’s been so much in school. Today I had my last final for this semester and on Wednesday I’ve got a presentation then I’m done… till Tuesday when I start my summer class. Since I’ve hardly slept anything the last 9 days due to studying I’m gonna go straight to the question.

Or wait, first I have to tell you guys about my visit to H&M. That is actually the reason for the title of this blog. I found a super cute bluish nail polish and when I saw the name of it I just had to buy it even though I almost have no money left, it was called “Enchantress Emma”. I mean seriously, what is the odds of finding a nail polish that has the same name as you do?

Well, on to the questions:

Mine: I LOVE Adam Lambert, he’s a great singer and an amazing artist/performer. I’ve got all of his songs and I actually don’t think it mattered to much that he didn’t win because he’ll have an amazing career anyway.

Sam: I have no real opinion on Chinese remedies, mainly because I’ve never tried it. But if it works for people why not use it?

New question: Have you ever found some sort of merchandise that has your name? In that case what.