Tuesday, March 31, 2009


For some strange reason my eyes have gotten very sore over the past couple hours. I have tried taking off my glasses, but that doesn't appear to have helped much.

Anyway, I have just returned from Fall Orientation Kickoff, which probably means nothing to you. Every year during the week before school starts we have a Fall Orientation (formerly known as U of C: 101) for all of the new incoming students. The thing is, is that we have about 6000 new students every year, and at least half of them attend orientation week. This also means that they need people to organize and run everything. So they get about 200 volunteers to run the event, on top of the University staff, I believe it's one of the biggest orientation programs in the country. Anyway, due to the large scale of the project they start getting volunteers many months in advance, and today was the first official event to get everyone together.

In related news, they have also created multiple paid positions for the summer to do all the behind the scenes work with the various orientations throughout the summer. So in my on going desperation to find summer work I applied to all the positions offered, and am really hopping I get one of them. Especially since the orientations are really fun, and I would love a job on campus with normal hours. I miss having a job with normal hours haha. I also might have a part time job at the astrophysical observatory.

On a side note, I am potentially planning a trip to San Francisco Pride which is very exciting, and I really hope it works out. It's at the end of June!

On to questions:

My own: I think my favorite things to buy would be electronics, books, shoes in that order haha. I've literally doubled the amount of books and shoes I own in the past year. Now I just need to read them all...

Sam: I didn't entirely understand the case, but it sounds like you have the upper hand with this.

Emma: I try to save money for the future, and can do it if I really want to. But as a student it is very difficult to do. That being said I am forced to save money, since I have to make enough money over 4 months to live for 8 months. The last two years I have just barely made it, but such is life as a student. Fortunately I have not needed to take out any student loans as of yet.

New question: Do you prefer reading fiction or non-fiction?